21 December 2022

Mental Ability


Mental Ability


M.Ed Programme Guidelines


Types of Tests

Test may be called as tool, a question, set of question, an examination which is used to measure a particular characteristic of an or a group of individuals.  Test is the form of questioning or measuring tool used to access the status of one’s skill, attitude and fitness

Types of Tests
  • Objective Test -it is a test paper and pencil test where in students’ answers can be compared and quantified to yield a numerical score. This is because it requires convergent and specific response. 

  •  Subjective Test -it is a paper and pencil test which is not easily quantified as students are given the freedom to write their answer to a question, such as an essay test. Thus, the answer to this type of test is divergent.

  • Individual Test - it is a test administrated to one student at a time.

  • Group Test -it is one administrated to a group of students.

  • Unstandardized Test -it is one prepared by teachers for use in the classroom, with no established norms for scoring and interpretation of results.

  • Standardized Test- it is a test prepared by an expert or specialist. This type of test samples behavior under uniform procedures.